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Pachapalayam is a village panchayat located in the Coimbatore district of Tamil-Nadu state,India. Where the natural green & outside is in better stage, Away from the traffic jams, Noise and polluting of the environment. It is well associated with all parts of this coimbatore and bus support is active.Which features connectivity for schools,colleges, Hospitals, Bus stops , 20 km from railway station, Atm's and home grocery stores
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Properties for sale
2 BHK 30₹ Lakh -
independent house sale
3 BHK 45₹ Lakh -
property sale ganapathy
3 BHK 22₹ Lakh -
property for sale coimbatore
2 BHK 23₹ Lakh -
individual house sale
4 BHK 90₹ Lakh
property for sale
45₹ Lakh -
property sale gandhi park
5 HOUSE 2₹C 10Lakh -
property sale kovaipudur
4 HOUSE 70₹ Lakh -
property for sale
40₹ Lakh -
Properties sale ganapathy
2 BHK 35₹ Lakh